From the article “School parents join forces to fight ‘trans propaganda’” in the London Times:
Carter, a former chairwoman of school governors, has watched with concern as schools across the country draw up LGBT policies and guidelines. She said some are inviting specialist lobby groups to advise children who are questioning their gender identity about how to transition from girls to boys and vice versa.
This could be seen as just a parent group with an agenda but the parents are partnering with mental health professionals who also have concerns:
Now Carter has joined other parents, teachers, doctors and psychologists to campaign for change. The Safe Schools Alliance has 150 members all over the country and more than 1,000 followers on social media.
The group will also address the conflicts with trans rights and the rights to sex-based protections:
It also says that children questioning their gender identity are being encouraged towards “drastic and irreversible” medical interventions such as drugs that block puberty. In some cases parents are not being told by schools that their children are asking to be treated as a different gender.
GHQ addresses these conflicts here.
Griffiths, S. (2019, August 4). School parents join forces to fight ‘trans propaganda.’ The Times [London]. Retrieved from
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