Voice of Europe has published an article stating that Italian politicians are seeking to ban the use of puberty blockers for the treatment of trans-identified, gender dysphoric minors.
The regional council of Friuli Venezia Giulia in northern Italy has approved a motion which calls on the national government to prohibit the use of hormone-blocking prescription drugs used in so-called ‘gender reassignment treatment’ for gender-confused children…
Bordin argued that the motion is not an “ideological position but a proposal of common sense in the exclusive interest of the health of children throughout Italy.”
A recent negative report has come out of the U.K. about the safety and efficacy of hormone blockers. The health consequences of medical transition are serious and can be found on our website here.
Lyons, A. (2019, July 28). Italian council to ban gender-altering drugs for kids. Voice of Europe. Retrieved from
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