trans youth medical side effects skeptics want proof of safety

Please Sign A Statement of Support

If you would like to show support for our mission please sign our statement.

This organization is supportive of bisexuality and homosexuality and the acceptance of gender nonconforming behavior in society. We are gathering signatures on an ongoing basis from those who support basic employment and marriage protections for all people.


Gender Health Query signatories are concerned about the effects of medical treatments and aspects of gender ideology on gender nonconforming minors. We are insisting on proof from gender affirmative model advocates that they are not facilitating inappropriate medical transitions.  

1) Mental health and medical professionals, and organizations who claim to advocate for LGB and trans people, have a professional and moral obligation to prove that early social transitions do not increase persistence by interfering with a youth’s maturation process. This would be a human rights abuse against immature gender nonconforming people, and must be weighed against the argument that child social/medical transition is a human right. Currently the discourse and efforts to prove safety are lackadaisical or nonexistent, where posing the question is framed as transphobic. There appear to be no future plans to clearly answer this question with comparison populations that support the child in a mental health/body acceptance model, with transition as last resort.

2) Mental health and medical professionals, and “LGBT organizations,” have a professional and moral obligation to prove that use of hormone blockers do not increase persistence by interfering with a youth’s maturation process. Almost all children on blockers go on to medically transition. Therapists and doctors must establish that this is not needlessly medicalizing children and teens.

3) Mental health and medical professionals, and “LGBT organizations,” have a professional and moral obligation to demonstrate that the medical consequences to young peoples’ bodies (sterilization, possible loss of IQ points, possible eradication of sexual function, destruction about choices around bottom surgery, bone health issues, increased circulatory system risks) are worth relieving the youth’s distress and anxiety about passing. 

4) We see evidence that teaching children (and even young adults) that there are “multiple genders,” and that biological sex can be merely declared, is having some negative impacts on society and LGB and T youth specificallyWe support a narrative of both respecting the trans experience and maintaining biological definitions of female, male, and homosexual attraction. Currently, governments should not be allowed to promote queer theory (gender is a spectrum, literal biological sex is based on identity) in public settings (i.e. elementary schools) undebated. They are scientifically suspect and may confuse children. They also have implications for free speech rights (i.e. forced use of 3rd gender pronouns), girls’ rights under Title IX, homosexual rights (a biology-based orientation), and empirical data collection.

5) Gender nonconforming and LGB youth have a right to protections in public institutions and society. They have a right to be free from harassment and violence in a world where people and society often socially punish and even physically abuse people who fall outside the norms.  These factors are known to negatively impact mental health.

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If you would like to also be added to our contact list for updates on GHQ activities & blog posts, please indicate in the field provided.

Signatory comments can be found HERE.

Statement Supporters

Shelly Lyn
DeeDee Massey
Justine Kreher
Tara Lee
Sici Tommy
Chiara Canaan
Thandi Linforth
Marcel S.
Marlee Clara
Linda Wiener
WW Chiu
Kathleen Chitwood
Diane Breton
Jennifer Ferris
Jennifer Vega
N. Jones
Staci Potter
Lisa Haugen
Anna Heran
Cindy Brown
Judith Hunter
Joanna Pinkiewicz
Jay Keck
Lara Johnston
Gaye Chapman
Derek O'Flaherty
Mik Goodram
Christine Lane
Claire Frost
Jo Smith
Tonje Gjevjon
Julie Helgesen
Michelle Ammon
Juana Giménez
Martin Hodgson
Bridget Drewry
Keith Lathrop
Rachael Mackay
Stina Christensen
Kathleen Bohr
Diane Perry
Donna Donovsky
Amanda Wolfe
J. Gourley
Connie Hahn
Saran Beal
Sharon Steele
Clare Chalmers
Don Smith
Belissa Cohen
Thomas Jude
Amanda Hayman
Bob Burggraaf
Eli Lee
Amy Uhrich
Andy Dalhouse
Jennifer Meier
Joselyn Baker
L. Calvert
Agata Bergstrom
Bobby Parker
Walter Gower

Erial Lowe
Robert Withers
Maria Gray
Georgia Luber
Julie Coker
Daniela Danna
Adela Pickles
Brenda Ellis
Elizabeth Stewart
Susan Matthews
Valerie Bernham
Sarah Adamson
Jennifer Justis
Jessica Iyer
Jennifer Martenson
Michelle Hamilton
Todd Michaels
Georgeann Gillespie
Nelson Garcia
Ralph Roberts
Christine Hill
Hope Springs
Andee Bateman
Mark Kreher
Cat Smith
Lori Puster
A. Miller
S.L. Bondarchuk
Liz Pitt
Jay Keck
Tony Eriksson
EJ Lucas
Sigrid Kjeldsen
Matthew Bare
Jennifer Hughes
Alyssa Duvall
Faith Kuzma
Serrena Stallmo
Debbie Junejo
Sara White
Casey Weber
Rebecca Van tassell
Linda Thompson
Ivan Arden
Derricka Bennett
Julie Framingham
Louise Zeitlin
Kent Greene
Corina Ross
Sydney Rochow
Eva Sanchez-Ampudia
Alyssa Milan
Malcolm Clark
Nigel Thorne
Susan Zamecnik
Sandra Pertot
Lorie Kornuta
Martha Shoultz
Amanda Ulmer
Laurie Samuelson
Beth Lacy
Victoria Halliday
Gabriela Silva

Jen Gill
Giuliana Buffo
Stephanie Davies-Arai
Katherine Parker
Milla Sörgärde
Mary Singleton
Maureen O'Hara
Lisa Marchiano
Allen Miller
Stacy Kennedy
Brenna Goode
Devin Stetson
Andrea Mastromatteo
Cindy Felso
Sarah Peterson
Charles Stéphanie
Michelle Bosma
Ania Lomas
Claudia Neely
Isla Mhairi MacGregor
Mae Alamillo
Leslie Krause
Julia Robertson
Frances Davidson
Marjory Smith
Stan Helton
Shelley Charlesworth
Barba Vantslot
Mark Warschauer
Sven Román
Avi Ring
Eva Ring
Amber Atiya
James Chitwood
Brynne Stultz

Damien Paynter
Isla MacGregor
Tiffeny Ollerenshaw
Summer Martin
Jennifer Bennett
Sarah Buffey
Ioanna Lefa
Rebecca Crossin
David Charlon
Jacqui Gruhler
Erin Brewer
Robert Hanson
Jennifer Kimmel
Sharon Beck
H. Sloan
Deborah Rosengarth
 L Wharton
K. Cartell
Lesley MacNeil
Edward Wynn
Scott Geiler
Taylor Felkins
Sara Harrison
C. Calame
Nancy Haldeman
Cassandra Cooper

Henrik Anckarsäter
Claire Frost
Christine Gaffney
Nancy Wilson
Brian Wibecan
Jordan Bolyard
Sheryl Fenn
Victoria Jonas
Margarita Rowles
Jennifer Hookham
Mark Warschauer
Melanie Barrett
JoAnn Stockley
Helen Spielbauer
Glauberson Vieira
Shelly Norton
Nicky Reynolds
Faith Kuzma
Lorraine Gari
John Hersee
Bronwyn Williams
Katherine Hales
Diane Jones
Catherine Butler
Jennifer Brown
Sarah Smith
Neve Falling
Melissa Burke
K. Jones
Ange Neale
Ola Movinkel
Marit Ronstad
Megan Blank
Lesley Clarke
Kim Colomey
Joze Mitchell
Naomi Wright
Paul Mackay
Ann Menasche
Lauren Levey
Jenny Cyphers
Torrie Rosenzweig
M. Osner
Ann Best
Jennifer Block
Kath Fry
Brynne Miller
Anna Heran
Jean Wyldbore
Hamish McGregor
Amy Hopper
Sue Carnegie-Harding
K. Mulligan
Jen Saunders
Sarah Benjamins
Karen Neuwirth
Emily Viola
Alyce Wittenstein
Jennifer von Bleichert
S. Mitchell
Stephen Myers
Lauren Wohl-Sanchez
Marie-Eve Laforte