LGBT allies concerned about the rise in gender dysphoric youth

Supporter Comments

Below are comments from members of the public who have signed our statement calling for more proof of safety Regarding medically transitioning trans-identitifed youth.

Comments are not censored or edited and thoughts belong to the individuals.

“The importance of this meticulously researched website to those seeking a balanced understanding of the issues surrounding the physical and mental health of gender dysphoric youth is profound! I fully support this statement that seeks to protect minors as it articulates the concerns regarding their wellbeing.” -Thandi Linforth

“What an amazing asset this is for lesbian youth and parents of concerned gay youth.  I was a tomboy as a child and grateful that I am now a proud gay woman.  There is nothing wrong with being a tomboy and ending up being a lesbian.” -Tara Lee

“As a southern black man from Alabama, I honestly find this topic bizarre but as a father of 4 tweens, I would sue any medical professional who would perform these procedures on my children.  I’m not sure what rights my children feel they have, but if they wanted this work done, I would love and support them when they were old enough to understand and afford the process” -Marcel S.

“Very informative n enlightening” -Marlee Clara

“This website has opened my eyes to the plight of struggling youth.  While I consider myself very well versed in social issues, gender dysphoria hadn’t been on my radar.  Knowing 2 people who have changed genders, I known it’s an amazingly complex process.  I believe in peoples’ rights to chose their genders, however, I do not believe that these transformations should occur before a body is fully developed.  I further see deep differences in gay and lesbian issues verses those with gender dysphoria and believe this natural division should occur sooner rather than later.  People should completely fear unethical medical practitioners profiting and benefiting, at the expense of minors, from the ambiguity that exists in today’s medical community, much the same way unethical doctors in pharmaceutical companies benefit from opioid abuse. I hope this topic continues to garter the attention it deserves.” -Shelly Lyn

”Thank you for your work in doing this. As the parent of a child who identifies as trans but has many other complex issues, the affirmation only model is fraught with difficulties.” -Erial Lowe

”This is an excellent and long overdue resource promoting science based ethical Practice for the treatment of trans youth.” -Robert Withers

”I support people who are LGBT but am extremely concerned about the prescribing of off-label hormones that have not been adequately studied. I also believe we need to protect those who are GNC and provide mental health safeguarding. I have witnessed the huge surge in desisters and detransitioners, many who have permanent mental and physical damage from the professionals following the affirmative model. My child was sucked into this during a high stress time in his life by social media. Although hormones were medically contraindicated due to family history, two clinics prescribed them and only told him to watch his diet. He decided to detransition after three months on hormones, as he found they were not the cure-all as promised. A week later he was diagnosed with a pituitary gland tumor and gynomastia, which are both permanent and may require surgery. I filed a complaint with the State Board and they are investigating.” -Julie Coker

“I welcome your new group as a much needed collective form of resistence for us lesbians and gays that risk to be normalized with a sex-transition. I would probably have gone around this path if born 35 years later. Now I am a very proud Lesbian instead!
Daniela Danna (from Italy, were the folly is starting to spread with hormone blockers being legal on 16-years old since March 2018 - my writings against this are opposed by the LGBT movement!)”
-Daniela Danna

“This is a fantastic resource, absolutely necessary. Thank you so much for your dedication to science and truth.” -Alicia Ochs

“I’m in the UK, where the affirmation model is extreme. My niece was confirmed as “definitely trans” after ONE HOUR of consultation at a private clinic in London.” -Adela Pickles

“This is a welcome resource for those concerned about the harms of medical transition and the 'born in the wrong body' narrative promoted to children in schools.” -Stephanie Davies-Arai

”Very important work!!” -Milla Sörgärde

“I am a family nurse practitioner and am very concerned about the huge corporate forces pushing gender non-conforming children into a lifetime of infertility and pharmaceutical dependence.” -Mary Singleton

It's good to see an organisation representing the views of the many LGBT people who are concerned about the increasing medicalisation of gender non-conforming children and young people. Puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are being given to minors who can't give valid consent. Research shows that, without these medical interventions, the majority of young people who are confused about their 'gender' will identify as lesbian or gay after puberty. This can't happen if they're prevented from going through puberty, and put on a path towards transition. Unquestioning adherence to the 'gender affirmative' approach is damaging many young people.” -Maureen O'Hara

“Professor/senior consultant of Forensic Psychiatry & General Psychiatry with 25 years of clinical experience, about 200 publications in international peer-reviewed journals, 10 000 citations. Honorary Fellow of the International Academy of Law & Mental Health. Sharing my life with another man since 1989. Catholic.” -Henrik Anckarsäter

“This is encouraging to me to see a commonsensical group trying to help these kids. I have a 17 year old daughter who doesn’t yet know her sexual orientation and identified as trans for roughly two years. I was lucky to find a non affirmative therapist to work with her and ask the right questions and make her think about why she was feeling the way she was, instead of ok let’s move forward with your transition. Thank you for being another great resource for those working through this now.” -Margarita Rowles

“As a parent of a gender dysphoric teen I welcome this group with open arms. I have been pressured by the medical community to allow my child to medically transition (I have not). The verbal abuse and accusations directed towards me have been terrible. I fully support the agenda of GHQ.” -Jennifer Hookham

“I am so glad for this group and their work. As a working scientist I have been appalled to watch as ideology has crushed scientific evidence, experience, and knowledge in the headlong rush to medically transition young people with a huge variety of problems, the great majority of whom will surely be harmed by this one size fits all. no questions asked mass hysteria which has overtaken individuals and whole institutions.” -Linda Wiener

"Thank you! My daughter is in year 2 of ROGD and as a parent I welcome any and alm support into thorough diagnoses of the entire person, the lack of which by the medical community is staggering.” -Michelle Villmer

“Our family is caught up in this. Our natal son came out as transgender 100 days ago and we are struggling to understand, support and guide but the tidal wave of affirmation online is making it difficult to insert healthy dialogue and questioning. This was not expected and has taken us very much by surprise. Resources for parents in this situation is much needed! Thank you for opening the door for real dialogue. Doing right by our kids is RIGHT!” -Kathleen Chitwood

”Thank you for this balanced and rational resource! This information will save lives and benefit the mental health of gender dysphoric young people. This is truly important work.” -Helen Spielbauer

”As a bisexual mother of an infant son, who was a gender nonconforming child and has lived a lifetime of periodic gender dysphoria, I am wary of any unnecessary medicalization and/or governmental oversight of my completely healthy child.” -Andrea Mastromatteo

“As a 27 year old de-transitioned ftm, I fully support you digging deeper into this very important topic. We need to stop treating children like they're adults, and pushing too much on them too soon. It's important to weigh all the options before diving in blindly. I thank you for forming this organization.” -Jessica Iyer

“Thank you! As a mother of a gender-confused teen, it's such a relief to see some common sense being advocated. It makes our situation feel just slightly less precarious since our daughter has been encouraged to doubt us as supportive parents and question whether we have her best interest and long term WHOLE health as our top priorities. To not have thorough screening systems in place prior to irreversible "treatment" of healthy bodies seems like clear malpractice among all practitioners who participate in the affirmative model of care. It's hard to not let lose a string of shaming condemnations.” -Jennifer Justis

“This website is a magnificent achievement, and an important resource on the topic of transitioning minors. I sign on as a middle-aged lesbian who has presented all across the gender spectrum throughout life. I am one of many who wonders, what if gender clinics were around when I was in middle school? I am deeply alarmed by the harm, psychological and medical, being done to young gender non-conforming people, whatever their sexual orientation turns out to be. And I am deeply alarmed by the trend away from exploring mental health and psychological issues full, with transition services being used as a panacea.” -Jennifer Martenson

“Affirmative care is an oversimplfied model, and does not take into account, at the very least, societal influences. I am a lesbian who has experienced dysphoria since puberty, and I was considering medical transition. The religion and society I grew up in had made me hate my sex (and my sexuality) and I was seeking to "correct" myself. I had been taught that to be female was God's punishment, that women were dirty and not fully worthy of personhood, and I had been the vicitm of multiple corrective sexual assaults as a minor by adult men in an attempt to "fix my lesbainism". I internalized this. I did not want to transition to be MALE, I wanted to transition to be SEEN AS HUMAN. People truly believe in the affrimative care model; dysphoric people are encouraged to alter their bodies as treatment before being encouraged to seek support in healing from CSA, etc. We should question affrimative care and seek to better understand why people have dysphoria.” -Staci Potter

“Bravo/Brava!! It's astonishing just how few of my gay friends in NYC know anything about the alarming increase in pre-teen sterilization. We LGB folk are going to be held responsible for these atrocities in the future. Thank you for bringing some sanity to the discussion.” -Todd Michaels

I am a teacher of young people (11-15) who is becoming increasing alarmed at the acceptance of what kids believe to be true. In my 30 years of working with kids this age, I know this to be true: Kids try things on; then they take them off. By transitioning them at such a young age, we are not allowing them to "take things off". The medical community must wake up to this fact before more damage is done. -Lisa Haugen

As a lesbian, I've witnessed the increasing assimilation of gay youth into the trans narrative, the cult-like suppression of authentic medical concerns, and the vilification of anyone who dares state the obvious - that natal sex is immutable.
Moreover I, as well as countless gays who experienced "gender dysphoria" in childhood, feel fortunate that the falsehood we were actually the opposite sex wasn't being pushed at that time. For we came to accept and embrace our bodies, learning that not being stereotypically feminine or masculine didn't negate our reproductive categories but expanded a freedom of expression from ridged societal "gender roles."
Sadly, such children today are being psychologically and chemically brainwashed into believing a lie and, in many cases, doing irreparable damage to their bodies.” -
Georgeann Gillespie

“Good Luck! I am really enjoying your approach - it is greatly needed!” -Cindy Brown

“We need to protect our vulnerable people not let others exploit them.” -Christine Hill

“Medicalisation of gender confused children & adolescents is child abuse. Puberty is not a disease.” -Judith Hunter

“Let children be children. There is no need to medicalise healthy bodies.” -John Hersee

“Congratulations on a well-researched and comprehensive resource. The issue of medical and surgical interventions for children and adolescents with gender dysphoria is something we need to talk about, right now.” -Bronwyn Williams

”Thank you for what you are trying to do. Please, please continue on fighting for our children.” -Lara Johnston

“Thank you for measured, fair and compassionate approach.” -Katherine Hales

As a lesbian and Democrat, I am shocked that our LGBT organizations, and many other so-called progressive organizations, are supporting the notion that children can be born in the wrong body and make permanent medical decisions BEFORE cognitive maturity at around age 25. These same organizations are also completely ignoring the rising numbers of desisters and detransitioners that are speaking up about how it was too quick and easy to get hormones and surgeries while often not being told of the numerous risks, and not having other mental health issues explored. Many of these detransitioners are lesbians who have been bullied and have come to believe that transition offers an escape from homophobia and sexism. There's a tremendous need for this organization which supports ALL LGBT people, and which confronts the harms of pushing gender ideology and queer theory on children, especially as MOST gender non-conforming children would grow up to be gay or lesbian if not pushed into transitioning. I completely agree with the statement above and support the work of this organization. I am concerned about the effects of medical treatments and aspects of gender ideology on gender non-conforming minors. I am insisting on PROOF from gender affirmative model advocates that they are not facilitating inappropriate medical transitions.” -Catherine Butler

“Support struggling youth with better methodology.” -Gaye Chapman

“Every medical therapy must be backed with robust evidence of benefit and risk, in order for patients to make informed decisions.” -Sarah Smith

“We need to allow people to be gender non conforming without pressure to be identify as trans or be identified as such gender can be expressed in anyway by anyone. Both groups need protections of their own.” -Mik Goodram

“Transitioning requires irreversible medical intervention, life long medication and care. Gender Dysphoria should be thoroughly investigated and supported, with medical traditions as the last port of call and not encouraged to be the first port of call. Listen and hear detrasitioners.” -Michelle Ammon

“Beautifully written!!! Thank you!!” -Sigrid Kjeldsen

“I am a lesbian and I have seen too many lesbians changing their bodies to feel better, but they end up feeling worse and with a broken body. Lesbians are not born in the wrong body, The LHBTQI community confirm that lesbians feeling bad about their bodies are men. In 2019 it is considered transfobic to be lesbian. Stop this mess, and leave the kids alone.” -Tonje Gjevjon

”I am a lesbian of liberal social and political instincts but sex does not change and encouraging a kind but realistic 'watch and wait' approach to gender non-conforming children is by far the most sensible option. The idea that children can opt for a lifetime on synthetic hormones, compromised sexual sensation and the fallout from medically unnecessary surgery up to a decade before they can vote, marry, drink, smoke, get tattooed or have consensual sex should be raising eyebrows everywhere rather than being celebrated and championed.” -Jo Smith

“Lesbians are feeling pressure from multiple directions, from transing our would be Butch/ androgynous/ tomboy yuth, to mtfs hitting up on us and INSISTING they are " Lesbians" even if they still have a penis, and infiltrating or destroying ALL our Lesbian and Female spaces, the biggest was Michfest. This has been going on for at least 30 years but only in the last decade has it really emerged in force into the hetrosexual world. There is almost nowhere we Lesbians can socialize amongst our own anymore. Our womon and Lesbian led rligion, Dianic Wicca is also under seige.

Any woman who protests is deplatformed like Ruth Barrrett, Germaine Greer and so many others, myself included.

I absolutely do not believe in the transing of kids. It should be ok for girls to be tomboys, rejecting feminine roles and clothes, both which are highly limiting, or even to have feelings for other girls and not demonized and told something is wrong with her, or she MUST BE a boy.

Same with effeminate little boys. None of this means they are trans. They may just t be homosexual or reacting to straitjacketed roles forced upon them. Kids interests keep changing until they are about 25. A whole lot of medical and psych folks and the pharmaceutical industry are getting rich out of peddling this misery rather than radical self acceptance. Its also for the benefit of adult trans to confirm THEY made the right choice by seeing these kids transed.

As a result more and more young women are detransitioning and coming back to their female and Lesbian selves once they realize they been sold a shoddy bill of goods that devastates both their bodies and their psyches.” -
Artemis Passionfire

“I support this statement wholeheartedly!” -Barba Vantslot

”I am a social worker in the health sector, and a lesbian woman who has been out for almost 25 years. The current medical model is letting this population group down badly, and the deplatforming of critical voices is terrifying. This needs to change.” -Melissa Burke

“Thanks for this initiative - it's important!” -S.L. Bondarchuk

“I support move for more research and understanding on this issue.” -Matthew Bare

“Thank you for your effort. Fight the good fight. The future of our children is at stake.” -James Chitwood

”He podido comprobar que se está produciendo una auténtica reacción contra las mujeres. Creo, por mi propia experiencia, que se debería acuñar el término "cisfobia" y "transpatriarcado" a causa de los contenidos de algunas "formaciones" sobre LGTBIQ+ fobias impartidas por "mujeres" trans a las que he podido asistir. Creo que vivimos un nuevo paradigma: el paradigma trans y los intereses farmacéuticos y médicos están diseñando un nuevo tipo de sociedad en la que a los jóvenes, mayortariamente mujeres biológicas, se les está negando la experiencia de madurar, su propia experiencia vital y su orientación sexual.” -Juana Giménez

”Evidence-based care means just that. Examining and weighing all evidence, not just that which fits the narrative du jour.” -Alyssa Duvall

”I would like to see more than a gender affirmative approach to be available and allowable for our children.” -Brynne Stultz

”Thank you so much for this common sense website! Much more research is needed!” -Joze Mitchell

As a family member and ally of people who've experienced sex dysphoria, I support their welfare. By listening, caring, and watching their lives unfold, I've learned that this means supporting free inquiry and unflinching examination of the century of live experimentation that the gender industry has done on humans. It must also mean the freedom in public policy debate to discuss the industry's failure as yet to form a testable, falsifiable theory for its "wrong body" hypothesis; and the freedom to oppose the teaching of that untested hypothesis to school children as though it were fact. It must mean that until the industry responds to two decades of pleas from global scientific meta-analysis organizations like ARIF and Cochrane for high-caliber, largescale studies showing that the medical interventions proposed under postmodernist gender theory are safe or effective for developing children--who *have* been abundantly shown in the available literature to be overwhelmingly neuroatypical children and/or perfectly healthy butch girls and femme boys--we must be able to freely acknowledge that professional organizations have given us no reason to trust them beyond "consensus statements"--"everyone's doing it, so you'd better fall in line"--which don't even rise to the level of admissible evidence in US federal court. Until we're allowed to speak openly about the lack of evidence and the extreme likelihood of financial motivation, standards of care such as those published by WPATH in its SOC-5 should be taken for the politically motivated and dissent-averse marketing statements that their authors admitted to the US First Circuit Court of Appeals that they are. And until there's a testable, falsifiable definition of what this phenomenon is, it must not be conflated in US civil-rights law with rights that arise from true biology and disability.” -Katherin Kirkpatrick

”I'm very grateful for the article, ‘Why are so many females coming out as trans/non-binary’ I was beginning to think all critical thinking had been squashed by the internet.” -Bridget Drewry

”Young lesbians are the primary victims of this rush to transition gender nonconforming girls. That could have been me if I was growing up now.” -Ann Menasche

“No child is born in the wrong body. All children need love and support from their parent/s. Transitioning children is unethical. It shouldn't be controversial to state that sterilizing children is wrong.” -Jenny Cyphers

“Mainly concerned about coercion of youth and the dangers of medicalizing youth dysphoria.” -Linda Thompson

“I am concerned about Gender ID services within the NHS operating an affirmation only policy. A young person was groomed and raped from the age of 11 by a family member. She started dressing as male to deter the rapist. When they got to the Tavistock, they told this severely damaged young person to change their name and then they would be given testosterone. The Tavistock did not insist on rape counselling or trauma therapy first. This is negligence. The young person is now on T. They have never had any therapy. They are living in a bedsit with no qualifications, no job, no training, no education and no future.” -M. Osner

”We must be allowed to ask questions without fear. We must protect our youth from harm.” -Connie Hahn

“We must make sure that we are using the best evidence based models of care for all of our LGB and T population, especially our LGB and T youth!” -Brynne Miller

”As a former transgender child, I am deeply concerned that children are being encouraged to embrace the idea that they are born in the wrong body when oftentimes a trans identity is a coping mechanism or internalized homophobia.” -Erin Brewer

”All the points made in this statement make so much sense and I fully support what is written. Thank you.” -Clare Chalmers

”I am concerned that medical transition of young people is becoming the 'new' conversion therapy.” -Corina Ross

“I am deeply concerned with the medicalization of gender dysphoria in natal male and female children/teens. This is extremely concerning, and I support any work to examine this trend.” -Belissa Cohen

I share both the concerns and the desire to support gender-non-conforming youth. I am especially alarmed at the current rush to medicalization, and the lack of longitudinal, empirical evidence of its efficacy, as well as potential harmful consequences. To me, the present-day demographic, especially with its dramatic percentage of young adolescent females coming out as transgender, demands thoughtful, deliberate assessment based on the characteristics of that particular group, not using data based primarily on adults of prior generations. I thank you for your work and am eager to support it however I can. All youth deserve to find the best path forward for themselves and to take the time to fully explore all of the possibilities of what that can mean. This needs to be done in a safe environment, understanding both internal and external motivators. with the help of adult professionals who value the whole being, of which gender considerations are just one part.” -Heather Sloan

“I'm so pleased to see this organisation exists. It is so badly needed.” -Malcolm Clark

As long-time gender nonconforming activist, I would like to express my support for this initiative!

Improving visibility and awareness for gender nonconforming people in the LGBTQ community is crucial, particularly for the benefit of youth. But sadly there has been an overewhelming push-back in the past several years against such inclusion, because it contravenes modern trans ideology, which centers gender identity above all else. Such polarizing attitudes are force-fed to kids at a young age leading to unnecessary confusion and anxiety about their gender, even though in most cases gender is not the problem but rather the indoctrinated biases against non-normative expression. It is imperative that we actively counter divisive rhetoric that has overtaken queer discourse, in particular common-enemy style identity politics which threaten to undermine the core values and tenets of sexual and gender liberation.

Many teens today think identifying as another gender is necessary to look, feel, and act masculine or feminine. Therefore, I coined the term "freedressing" so people can embrace freedom of expression without the pressure of even more restrictive categories and labels. I also coined the term "ambigender" to challenge the highly reductive cisgender-vs-transgender dichotomy while affirming the unique narratives of gender nonconforming people
.” -Leslie Krause

Let youth know they don’t have to conform to any gender stereotype!” -Deborah Rosengarth

“Good work - I really don't know how we have come to this state of affairs. As John Stuart Mill correctly asserted, 'Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends than that good men should look on and do nothing.' (1867). C'mon all you professionals - from clinicians to academics - stand up to these bullies. They are few and you are many!” -Amanda Hayman

”I'm a straight man but fully support this initiative. Gender dysphoria is a defined medical condition - one which has been piggy-backed by an almost cult-ish movement that believes self declared gender identity trumps biological sex. This is doing great harm (particularly to our children and young adults).” -Nigel Thorne

”I think it is so important for the reasoned, non-hateful and non-bigoted truths contained in the site to be widely shared. The current climate of striking down any dissenting views of transgender issues is dangerous, both socially and from a public health perspective. Thank you for your hard work on this.” -Jen Saunders

“Great site” -L Wharton

“Great to see a balanced approach calling for evidence based decision making. There has been far too little of this. We'll done for putting this site together.” -Sally Wainwright

As the host of the podcast, Faith and Gender, I support the mission of this organization. I have gender dysphoria yet continue with the gender I was born with. I understand the sometimes uncontrollable distress that gender dysphoria can bring. For those who experience it, it can seem like there is no other way to survive without transitioning. But if we think that, we are not being truly honest with ourselves. Many have found ways to cope it, and despite the distress, live happy and fulfilling lives. Our children and those who work with them need better education about the real facts and consequences of changes made at such a young and developmental stage of life.” -Bob Burggraaf

”I would also like to add that I would like to know from the Minister of Health in Canada, and the Chief Public Health Officer why International decisions in the United Kindom, to which we are a commonwealth member nation are not being highlighted as an area of concern and caution when it comes to the use of cross-sex hormone use in minors. I would also like an answer from them on why WPATH which are guidelines, not STANDARDS are allowed to be promoted as the only route to Gender Dysphoria, Gender Incongruence care. As well I would like to know why it is legal for any therapist regardless of their qualifications to 1. Advertise that they sign letters of affirmation in advertisements 2. Follow the quickest path in affirmation and completely ignore the WPATH guideline to investigate further with proper therapy, allowing any therapist to pick and choose what model of care they should apply?” -Lesley MacNeil

”The rush to transition children and teens who have mental health conditions is dangerous and an abdication of responsibility by adults. I believe that adults who want to transition should be respected and supported, but children and teens are being taught that it is common to identify with a gender different from your sex, and they are being rewarded with lots of attention and social currency when they come out as trans. This is leading young people with depression, autism, OCD, ADHD, etc to assume that their discomfort is caused by the fact that they are trans when, in fact, they are just having a hard time growing up as ‘different.’” -Eli Lee

”I am an Australian clinical psychologist who shares the concerns of this group, and I am attempting to get the issue aired and addressed by mental health services here.” -Sandra Pertot

”This is going to be the major medical scandal of the 21C. The people involved - doctors, therapists, legislators, academics, journalists, professional bodies, and the regulators will live in infamy. There is growing clinical evidence that what is going on is wrong. When the lawyers come and the nation realizes thousands have been permanently damaged the reckoning will be harsh for good reason. What's happening in Europe should be a warning. But then when there's money involved for the professionals, their employers, pharma and the surgical suppliers damaging children is not so important is it?” -Edward Wynn

”As a parent of a teenage daughter who announced that she "thinks she's a boy" at 13, after discovering the possibility on the internet at 12.5, and viewing several Youtube celebrities that made transition look fun and glamorous, and as someone who has researched the issue of transition and read and listened to several viewpoints over the last 2.5 years, becoming familiar with the science and the philosophy behind gender ideology, I am thoroughly shocked and disgusted with the current societal stance on this issue. I believe science is being ignored in many cases, and misrepresented in the rest, and logic has gone completely out the window. I would like to lend my name and my voice to the effort to bring logic, reason and science to any discussion of "gender," and, most importantly, to the effort to protect young people from unnecessary, risky medical interventions. I believe in "First Do No Harm," and am willing to fight for it, and for my daughter's safety. I believe any person who has chosen to alter their body to appear as the opposite gender should not be penalized for doing so and should enjoy all of the rights of society - but I don't believe we should glorify medical transition. I believe society must accept gender non-conformity and allow people to express themselves in ways that they feel comfortable with, but I don't believe medically altering one's body is simply a form of expression. Thank you for creating this organization.” -Karen Neuwirth

“Please stop the unethical treatment of trans-identifying children and young adults with dangerous and experimental treatments such as cross-sex hormones, puberty and hormone blockers and unnecessary surgery. More research is needed into the causes of gender dysphoria and its ethical treatment.” -Martha Shoultz

I am a bisexual woman, with ADHD, was a definite tomboy and have gone on to pursue traditionally men’s work. I found it much easier to fit in with boys socially. I had a traumatic childhood and was a very troubled teen, experiencing anxiety, depression and PTSD. I have no doubt that I would have fell victim to the online transgender culture that promises to resolve the emotional turmoil experienced by teens such as myself!
This is not okay!! We need to protect children. This idea that children are able to make these decisions is insane. Affirmation is the opposite of supporting kids health and well being.
I believe in human rights, I believe that promoting acceptance of trans people is important, and of all people who don’t conform to societal norms. We can have acceptance without the denial of norms and/or science. The denial of reality helps no one.
I also believe in science. I believe in biology. I believe women need to be safe. I believe women need to have a voice and am shocked that our brave women who are trying to ask for closer examination of this issue are being pushed aside and called bigots!
I’m so glad that this organization has been formed!
We need to put the brakes on what is happening and move forward with laws, regulations and health approaches that are reasoned, science based and do not harm children!
At a time when the lack of belief in science is harming us greatly socio-economically and environmentally, we have a responsibility to make policy based on quality science. This pseudoscience agenda, when it crashes, will harm LGB rights/acceptance, transgender rights/acceptance and further undermine trust in government and institutions when we so dearly need to be building that trust.
I am 46 years old and am grateful that my girlfriend and I experience little to no prejudice in our community, wow, how the world has progressed since my teens. I’m so glad that I live in a place where the compassion and empathy of the general public is such that there has been a willingness to accept trans people. That compassion is being co-opted to shut down important caution. This will cause increasing harm us all the longer it goes on.
Thank you so much for the work you are doing!” -
Amanda Ulmer

“Our children and our teenagers need better education and support to help their self esteem and mental health. It’s normal for kids to question their feelings and identity as they try to figure out their own road to adulthood. Public schools are confusing students with new sex education classes and it is creating confusion and stress that was not happening prior to these classes for some children/teenagers. Schools, doctors and psychiatrists need to recognize that children are very impressionable and are being influenced by the internet, peers and schools. Children are having a very hard time trying to figure out their own identity in this technological world. Confirming and giving hormones/surgeries are not the solutions for our children and should be illegal. The human brain is not full developed until a person is in their 20’s. This is Scientific data - A child’s human brain is not mature enough and is not capable to handle these life altering affirmative decisions that adults are supporting.”

”As a gay man, I always had a strange relation to my gender, and thought that I might one day end up transitioning, but I never heard of desistance once. This led to further confusion which led to my re-questioning of my gender as an adult, because I thought (and was explicitly told) that cisgender men never question their identities.”
-C. Calame

”Thank you for all you do. It's heartbreaking that because my 15 year old child is on blockers — we bought the "pause button/harmless/fully reversible" lies — he is unable to identify his sexuality and has no interest in exploring this aspect of who he is. That gender clinics see this as acceptable is horrifying.” -Lauren Wohl-Sanchez

Thank you so much for your work and for still daring to provide a much needed counter view point to the affirmative approach for the youth population. Trans people need respect, support, and a society that is more accepting towards differences. However, this does not exclude any of the pervasive, current intellectual dishonesty in the discourse, for instance: 1-No one-size-fits-all approach will ever work with such a complex issue 2-While some dysphoric teens may certainly have a very stable sense of self, a lot of them do present a cocktail of mental issues/struggles and trauma that is now way too easily overlooked 3-Adolescence is such a vital period for developmental and cognitive changes, in which individuals innately often have a very "black-and-white" perspective that evolves and becomes more nuanced once they get to the other side of puberty 4-The least medicalized approach should ALWAYS be considered first, and this for any issue 5-Most teens are unable to give informed consent and much less to fully understand the long-term consequences, and this is even truer for ones on the autism spectrum 6-The narrative presenting transgenderism as a panacea and the illusion that modern medicine can "fix" everything without any consequences is tragic 7-The false urgency and binary narrative for parents (embark on a heavily medicalized path ASAP OR your child will kill themselves) is immensely unethical 8-Desisters and detransitioners do exist in a much greater proportion than what activism is presenting, and their ranks are growing rapidly 9-No professional/therapist/doctor/activist should ever have that much of an emotional, borderline personal "stake in the game," especially when dealing with such a vulnerable population 10-It is very much possible for marginalized/ostracized people to simultaneously act as bullies, to have an ideological agenda that supersedes the well-being of individuals and to cause harm. Both realities can coexist.” -Marie-Eve Laforte

”My young adult child was affirmed as trans because of a bout with depression in college. No examination of any other factors in their life. No gender non-conforming kid, OR any kid with co-morbid mental health conditions should be pushed down this path. Thank you to this organization for fighting for them!” -Ann L.