A RESOURCE & COMMUNITY For People Concerned about Same-sex Attracted Young People Harmed by Medical Transition for Gender Dysphoria
What brings us here?
More and more children, teens, and young adults, are being diagnosed with gender dysphoria, affirmed as transgender and are medically transitioning. Since gender dysphoria can be fluid in some young people, inappropriate medical transitions are happening as a result of the move towards a “gender affirmative model.” In this model, the gender identity of the young person is immediately validated. Social and medical transition (even in minors) is supported and treated as a human right, rather than treating gender dysphoria as a mental health issue, where medical treatment should be avoided if possible. While trans-identified youth whose identities persist in adulthood may believe this is the best path, there are serious costs to these choices. And false positives are inevitable and regret rates are likely to rise. This will disproportionately affect gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth, who are more likely to experience gender dysphoria than the general population. There are also health consequences for young people who medically transition, regardless of how stable their trans identification may be. In addition, the ideology around how society should view gender, often promoted by individuals supporting these social and medical industry changes, is affecting society in ways that many argue are not all positive.
Politicians are increasingly passing laws to limit parental rights and allow children as young as thirteen to choose to medicalize themselves (see CA, OR, & WA state and elsewhere). It is society’s responsibility to protect minors from parental abuse. Trans-identified youth and LGB youth experience higher rates of parental abuse and rejection, including circumstances where the youth leaves or is kicked out of the home. These youths need and deserve love, support, and special services to address their needs. But there are many complexities around the current rise of trans identification in minors, and the medicalization of it, that make genuine child abuse around a minor’s gender dysphoria more challenging to identify. See here for a list of many of them. We assert unnecessarily medically altering growing children and adolescents is its own form of abuse, regardless of whether the intentions behind it were good and the youth was insistent at the time.
To prevent the over-medicalization of gender nonconforming youth. To prevent harm resulting from medical treatments on trans-identified minors. And to address confusion and rights conflicts that arise from new ideologies about gender (within and outside of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans populations). This will be done through outreach to the mental health and medical community, “LGBT” organizations, parents, schools, media, and the public. Learn More
Gender Health Query is a U.S. based organization, but these are issues affecting other countries, and we seek an international network and conversation.
Open Letter
We are seeking to build community with other pro-same-sex-rights people, concerned parents, mental health and medical providers, educators, and trans people concerned about pediatric medical transition. To support us please sign our ongoing open letter, calling for more evidence-based information regarding large increases in trans-identified youth.
Below is a list of TOPICS covered around medically treating minors for gender dysphoria, and the influence of postmodern gender ideology on youth and society. For a more detailed list of subject matter, there is a full OUTLINE of these topics and subtopics.
1. Do children & teens with serious gender dysphoria ever desist from the dysphoria?
3. Are children & teens old enough to give consent to medical gender transition?
6. Examples of minors being medically transitioned without any meaningful psychological assessments
Disclaimer: The purpose of this website is not to advise any parent about what to do if they have a trans-identified minor or young adult. This website seeks answers to some unknown scientific questions about the effects of affirmation protocols on desistance rates (youth who outgrow gender dysphoria), and the future of young people medically transitioning in skyrocketing numbers. Its role is to highlight some of the risks of early social and medical transition. It should be used for informational purposes only. Studies show rejecting a trans-identified youth, denying their experience, or indicating they would not be loved and supported if they transition, can have a negative impact on mental health. Hasty transition can also cause damage to trans-identified young people, and more examples of this happening are being documented. We’re advocating for a scientifically based mental health model, where persister youth are helped and desisters are protected, where medical treatment is not viewed as a first and neutral resort.
Why is ”LGBT” in quotes on this website?: Current practice among all media outlets is to always refer to any issue regarding homosexual, bisexual, or trans persons as "LGBT" or "LGBTQplus" in the interests of inclusivity, even if the story has nothing to do with one or more of the other populations. We believe it is doing harm to constantly equate all issues regarding bisexual people, homosexual people, and trans people as in the interests of the same community, whose members all share the same opinions and agenda. It oversimplifies issues and creates a false narrative of a united front where all "LGBT" people are in agreement around issues regarding sexual orientation and gender. This is not the case. Each population has significant differences and often has differing needs. For example, the fight for sexual orientation rights is very different than the implications of current gender activism that seeks to medicalize children and eradicate the concept of biological sex in law. Even members within these populations have strong disagreements about culture and governmental policies. The media should stop referring to every issue as an "LGBTQplus" issue. The marketing of the idea of the "LGBTQplus" person should end. People should also be aware its use may be propaganda for a particular activist worldview and agenda that does not represent all people within and between these populations but wishes to create the impression it does. This site welcomes all concerned citizens regardless of identity.