Topic 1: Do children & teens with serious gender dysphoria ever outgrow gender dysphoria?
Cantor, J. (2016, January 11). Do trans- kids stay trans- when they grow up? Retrieved from
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV. (n.d.). Diagnostic criteria for gender identity disorder. Retrieved from
Dirks, P. (n.d.). Half of all desisters are same-sex attracted. Retrieved from
Drescher, J., & Byne, W. (2012). Introduction to the Special Issue on “The treatment of gender dysphoric/gender variant children and adolescents”. Journal of Homosexuality, 59(3), 295-300. doi:10.1080/00918369.2012.653299
Drummond, K. D., Bradley, S. J., Peterson-Badali, M., & Zucker, K. J. (2008). A follow-up study of girls with gender identity disorder. Developmental Psychology, 44(1), 34-45. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.44.1.34
Ehrensaft, D., Giammattei, S. V., Storck, K., Tishelman, A. C., & Keo-Meier, C. (2018). Prepubertal social gender transitions: What we know; what we can learn—A view from a gender affirmative lens. International Journal of Transgenderism, 19(2), 251-268. doi:10.1080/15532739.2017.1414649
Gender Dysphoria. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition, 5. doi:10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.997927
Hruz, P., Mayer, L., & McHugh, P. (2017). Growing pains: problems with puberty suppression in treating gender dysphoria. The New Atlantis, 52, 3-36. Retrieved from
Kleeman, J. (2017, December 1). Transgender children: 'This is who he is? I have to respect that?'. Retrieved from
Korte, A. (2009). Gender identity disorders in childhood and adolescence – Currently debated concepts and treatment strategies: In reply. Deutsches Aerzteblatt Online, 105(48), 834-841. doi:10.3238/arztebl.2009.0318b
Littman, L. (2018). Rapid-onset gender dysphoria in adolescents and young adults: A study of parental reports. PLOS ONE, 13(8). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0202330
Lyons, K. (2016, July 11). UK doctor prescribing cross-sex hormones to children as young as 12. The Guardian. Retrieved from
Olson, K. R., Durwood, L., DeMeules, M., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2016). Mental health of transgender children who are supported in their identities. Pediatrics, 137(3), e20153223. doi:10.1542/peds.2015-3223
Olson, K. R., Key, A. C., & Eaton, N. R. (2015). Gender cognition in transgender children. Psychological Science, 26(4), 467-474. doi:10.1177/0956797614568156
Russo, F. (2017, January 6). Where transgender is no longer a diagnosis. Retrieved from
Shumer, D. E., & Spack, N. P. (2013). Current management of gender identity disorder in childhood and adolescence. Current Opinion in Endocrinology & Diabetes and Obesity, 20(1), 69-73. doi:10.1097/med.0b013e32835c711e
Singh, D. (2013). A follow-up study of boys with gender identity disorder (Doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto). Retrieved from
Steensma, T. D., Biemond, R., De Boer, F., & Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. (2011). Desisting and persisting gender dysphoria after childhood: A qualitative follow-up study. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 16(4), 499-516. doi:10.1177/1359104510378303
Steensma, T. D., McGuire, J. K., Kreukels, B. P., Beekman, A. J., & Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. (2013). Factors associated with desistence and persistence of childhood gender dysphoria: A quantitative follow-up study. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 52(6), 582-590. doi:10.1016/j.jaac.2013.03.016
Victor, V.M., Rocha, M., Bañuls, C., Rovira-Llopis, S., Gómez, M., Hernández-Mijares, A. (2014). Mitochondrial impairment and oxidative stress in leukocytes after testosterone administration to female-to-male transsexuals. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2014 Feb;11(2):454-61. doi: 10.1111/jsm.12376. Epub 2013 Nov 20. PMID: 24251401.
Vilain, E., & Bailey, M. (2015, May 21). What should you do if your son says he's a girl? Retrieved from
Wallien, M. S., & Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. (2008). Psychosexual outcome of gender-dysphoric children. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 47(12), 1413-1423. doi:10.1097/chi.0b013e31818956b9
Zucker, K. J. (2015). The DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Gender Dysphoria. Management of Gender Dysphoria, 33-37. doi:10.1007/978-88-470-5696-1_4
Zucker, K. J. (2018). The myth of persistence: Response to “A critical commentary on follow-up studies and ‘desistance’ theories about transgender and gender non-conforming children” by Temple Newhook et al. (2018). International Journal of Transgenderism, 19(2), 231-245. doi:10.1080/15532739.2018.1468293
Topic 2: Side effects & permanent consequences that result from the use of hormone blockers, cross-sex hormones, & surgery on minors
Alzahrani, T., Nguyen, T., Ryan, A. (2019). Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Myocardial Infarction in the Transgender Population. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2019;12. No.4
Bangalore, K.K., Fuqua, J.S., Rogol A.D., Klein K.O. · Popovic J., Houk, C.P., Charmandari E., Lee P.A. (2019). Use of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogs in Children: Update by an International Consortium. Hormone Research in Paediatrics. July 18, 1-16.
Berenbaum, S. A., & Beltz, A. M. (2011). Sexual differentiation of human behavior: Effects of prenatal and pubertal organizational hormones. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology,32(2), 183-200. doi:10.1016/j.yfrne.2011.03.001
Bertelloni, S., & Mul, D. (2008). Treatment of central precocious puberty by GnRH analogs: Long-term outcome in men. Asian Journal of Andrology,10(4), 525-534. doi:10.1111/j.1745-7262.2008.00409.x
Bizic, M., Kojovic, V., Duisin, D., Stanojevic, D., Vujovic, S., Milosevic, A., . . . Djordjevic, M. L. (2014). An Overview of Neovaginal Reconstruction Options in Male to Female Transsexuals. The Scientific World Journal,2014, 1-8. doi:10.1155/2014/638919
Blakemore, S., Burnett, S., & Dahl, R. E. (2010). The role of puberty in the developing adolescent brain. Human Brain Mapping,31(6), 926-933. doi:10.1002/hbm.21052
Bodkin, H. (2017, November 04). Sex-change men 'will soon be able to have babies'. The Telegraph. Retrieved from
Boghani, P. (2015, June 30). When Transgender Kids Transition, Medical Risks are Both Known and Unknown. In Frontline. PBS. Retrieved from
Buncamper, M. E., Sluis, W. B., Vries, M. D., Witte, B. I., Bouman, M., & Mullender, M. G. (2017). Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty with or without Additional Full-Thickness Skin Graft. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,139(3). doi:10.1097/prs.0000000000003108
Conway, L. (n.d.). Vaginoplasty: Male to Female Sex Reassignment Surgery: Postoperative Care Following Vaginoplasty (SRS). Retrieved from
De Vries, A., McGuire, J., & Steensma, T. (2014). Young Adult Psychological Outcome After Puberty Suppression and Gender Reassignment. Pediatrics,134(4). doi:10.1542/peds.2013-2958d
Deutsch, M. (n.d.). Information on Estrogen Hormone Therapy. Retrieved from
Dobner, J., & Salt Lake Tribune. (n.d.). Transgender patient files malpractice suit against Utah physician who removed their ovaries. Retrieved from
Eiland, L., & Romeo, R. (2013). Stress and the developing adolescent brain. Neuroscience,249, 162-171. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2012.10.048
Elejalde-Ruiz, A. (2018, September 17). AbbVie nears settlement in thousands of lawsuits alleging harm by testosterone drug AndroGel. Retrieved from
Getahun, D., Nash, R., Flander, D (2018, July 10). Cross-sex Hormones and Acute Cardiovascular Events in Transgender Persons. AnnInternMed. doi:10.7326/M17-2785
Fertility Options for Transgender Men and Women. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Foden-Vencil, K. (2016, June 17). Neither Male Nor Female: Oregon Resident Legally Recognized As Third Gender. Retrieved from
Forster, K. (2017, January 08). First man in UK to give birth' finds sperm donor on Facebook. The Independent. Retrieved from
Giovanardi, G. (2017). Buying time or arresting development? The dilemma of administering hormone blockers in trans children and adolescents. Porto Biomedical Journal,2(5), 153-156. doi:10.1016/j.pbj.2017.06.001
Gloucester County School Board v. G.G., Https:// (United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit January 10, 2017).
Griffiths, S., & The Sunday Times. (2018, January 21). Schools rushing 'on whisper' to label pupils as transgender. Retrieved from
Haas, A., Rodgers, P., & Herman, J. (2014). Suicide Attempts among Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Adults(Rep.). Los Angels, CA: The Williams Institute UCLA School of Law. doi:
Hayes, P. (2017). Commentary: Cognitive, Emotional, and Psychosocial Functioning of Girls Treated with Pharmacological Puberty Blockage for Idiopathic Central Precocious Puberty. Frontiers in Psychology,8. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00044
Hoffkling, A., Obedin-Maliver, J., & Sevelius, J. (2016). From Erasure to Opportunity. Obstetrics & Gynecology,127. doi:10.1097/01.aog.0000483797.38796.7c
James, S., Herman, J., & Rankin, S. (n.d.). The Report of the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey(Rep.). Washington DC: National Center for Transgender Equality. doi:
Jewett, C., & Kaiser Health News. (2017, November 30). Women Fear Drug They Used To Halt Puberty Led To Health Problems. Retrieved from
Joseph, T., Ting, J., & Butler, G. (2018). The effect of GnRHa treatment on bone density in young adolescents with gender dysphoria: Findings from a large national cohort. Endocrine Abstracts. doi:10.1530/endoabs.58.oc8.2
The Hormone Health Crises: with Endocrinologist William Malone, MD. - Benjamin Boyce [Video file]. (2019, July 12). Retrieved from
Kennedy, P. (2008, March 30). Q&A with Norman Spack A doctor helps children change their gender. Retrieved from
Klink, D., Caris, M., Heijboer, A., Trotsenburg, M. V., & Rotteveel, J. (2015). Bone Mass in Young Adulthood Following Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analog Treatment and Cross-Sex Hormone Treatment in Adolescents With Gender Dysphoria. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism,100(2). doi:10.1210/jc.2014-2439
Knox, R., & NPR Morning Edition. (2010, March 01). The Teen Brain: It's Just Not Grown Up Yet. Retrieved from
Lane, S. (2007, November 01). Steroids linked to cancer, self harm, birth defects. Retrieved from
Martyn, A. (2017, February 21). New report describes dangers of giving Lupron to kids. Retrieved from
Maya. (2018, August 25). Male-to-female gender changes and sexual functioning. Retrieved from
MTF Vaginoplasty: What Patients Need To Know Before Choosing a Technique. (n.d.). Retrieved from
National Women's Health Network. (2015, October 19). Lupron-What Does It Do To Women's Health? Retrieved from
Nota, N. M., Wiepjes, C. M., Blok, C. J., Gooren, L. J., Kreukels, B. P., & Heijer, M. D. (2019). Occurrence of Acute Cardiovascular Events in Transgender Individuals Receiving Hormone Therapy. Circulation,139(11), 1461-1462. doi:10.1161/circulationaha.118.038584
Nota, N.M., Wiepjes, C.M., Blok, C.J., Gooren, L. J., Peerdeman, S.M., Kreukels, B.P., den Heijer, M. (2018). The occurrence of benign brain tumours in transgender individuals during cross-sex hormone treatment. Brain. 2018 Jul 1;141(7):2047-2054. doi: 10.1093/brain/awy108.
Obedin-Maliver, J. (n.d.). Pelvic pain and persistent menses in transgender men: Center of Excellence for Transgender Health. Retrieved from
Olson, K. R., Durwood, L., Demeules, M., & Mclaughlin, K. A. (2016). Mental Health of Transgender Children Who Are Supported in Their Identities. Pediatrics,137(3). doi:10.1542/peds.2015-3223
Olson-Kennedy, J., Warus, J., Okonta, V., Belzer, M., & Clark, L. F. (2018). Chest Reconstruction and Chest Dysphoria in Transmasculine Minors and Young Adults. JAMA Pediatrics,172(5), 431. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2017.5440
Parents, keep listening to your gut-not the gender therapist. (2018, May 01). Retrieved from
Raigosa, M., Avvedimento, S., Yoon, T. S., Cruz‐Gimeno, J., Rodriguez, G., & Fontdevila, J. (2015). Male‐to‐Female Genital Reassignment Surgery: A Retrospective Review of Surgical Technique and Complications in 60 Patients. The Journal of Sexual Medicine,12(8), 1837-1845. doi:10.1111/jsm.12936
Rashid, M., Tamimy, M.S. (2013). Phalloplasty: The dream and the reality. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery 46(2). 283–293. doi: 10.4103/0970-0358.118606
Richards, C., Maxwell, J., McCune, N. (2018). Use of puberty blockers for gender dysphoria: a momentous step in the dark. Archives of Disease in Childhood 104(6), 611-612
Ruttiman, J., & Endocrine News. (2015, October 20). Blocking puberty in transgender youth. Retrieved from
Safer, J. (2018, May 14). Transgender Hormone Therapy Is Safe When Monitored For Certain Risks. Retrieved from
Sandoiu, A., & Medical News Today. (2019, February 18). Gender transition drugs could be bad for the heart. Retrieved from
Scher, A. (2018, June 9). Trans women on hormones have higher heart health risk, study finds. Retrieved from
Schneider, M.A., Spritzer, P.M., Soll, B.M.B., Fontanari, A.M.V, Carneiro, M., Tovar-Moll, F., Costa, A. B., da Silva, D.C., Schwarz, K., Anes. M, Tramontina, S., Lobato M.I.R. (2017, November 14). Brain Maturation, Cognition and Voice Pattern in a Gender Dysphoria Case under Pubertal Suppression. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
Sex reassignment surgery by Colon graft technique. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Spack, N. (n.d.). How I help transgender teens become who they want to be. Retrieved from
Stein, A. E. (2018, August 25). Girls using steroids should be aware of adverse effects. Retrieved from
Stotzer, R., Herman, J., Hasenbush, A. (2014). Transgender Parenting, a Review of Existing Research. Williams Institute. Retrieved from
Tourjée, D. (2016, February 18). 'I Was a Slave to Testosterone': How Sex Changes for Trans Women on Hormones. Retrieved from
Update: Top San Francisco phalloplasty surgeon now with 8 malpractice suits. (2018, March 27). Retrieved from
Vlot, M. C., Klink, D. T., Heijer, M. D., Blankenstein, M. A., Rotteveel, J., & Heijboer, A. C. (2017). Effect of pubertal suppression and cross-sex hormone therapy on bone turnover markers and bone mineral apparent density (BMAD) in transgender adolescents. Bone,95, 11-19. doi:10.1016/j.bone.2016.11.008
Vrouenraets, L. J., Fredriks, A. M., Hannema, S. E., Cohen-Kettenis, P. T., & Vries, M. C. (2015). Early Medical Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Gender Dysphoria: An Empirical Ethical Study. Journal of Adolescent Health,57(4), 367-373. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2015.04.004
Walker-Journey, J. (2017, July 07). Hormone suppressant linked to new side effects. Retrieved from
Whitehall, J. (2017, May 10). Childhood Gender Dysphoria and the Law. Retrieved from
Wierckx, K., Caenegem, E. V., Pennings, G., Elaut, E., Dedecker, D., Peer, F. V., . . . Tsjoen, G. (2011). Reproductive wish in transsexual men. Human Reproduction,27(2), 483-487. doi:10.1093/humrep/der406
Wolton, A. (2018, October 10). What It's Like Hooking Up in Cis Gay Spaces as a Queer Trans Guy. Retrieved from
Young, S. (2018, April 11). 12-year-old boy who transitioned to female changes his mind 2 years later. Retrieved from
Topic 3: Are Children and Teens Old Enough to Give Consent for Medical Gender Transition
Blakemore, S., Burnett, S., & Dahl, R. E. (2010). The role of puberty in the developing adolescent brain. Human Brain Mapping,31(6), 926-933. doi:10.1002/hbm.21052
Brain Maturity Extends Well Beyond Teen Years [Radio broadcast]. (2011, October 10). In Tell Me More. NPR. Retrieved from
Haas, A., Rodgers, P., & Herman, J. (2014). Suicide Attempts among Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Adults(Rep.). Los Angels, CA: The Williams Institute UCLA School of Law. doi:
Inside England’s only gender identity clinic for children. (2016, November 16). Radio Times. doi:
Littman, L. (2018). Parent reports of adolescents and young adults perceived to show signs of a rapid onset of gender dysphoria. Plos One,13(8). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0202330
Milrod, C., & Karasic, D. H. (2017). Age Is Just a Number: WPATH-Affiliated Surgeons Experiences and Attitudes Toward Vaginoplasty in Transgender Females Under 18 Years of Age in the United States. The Journal of Sexual Medicine,14(4), 624-634. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2017.02.007
Olson-Kennedy, J., Warus, J., Okonta, V., Belzer, M., & Clark, L. F. (2018). Chest Reconstruction and Chest Dysphoria in Transmasculine Minors and Young Adults. JAMA Pediatrics,172(5), 431. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2017.5440
Rippon, G. (2017, November 30). Brain Scans Reveal Why Rewards and Punishments Don’t Seem to Work on Teenagers. Scientific American. doi:
Sapoloski, R. (2014, July 4). Dude, Where’s My Frontal Cortex? Nautilus. doi:
Search Methodology for Research Analysis on the Effect of Gender Transition on Transgender Well-being. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Topic 4: Affirmative model mental health professionals/doctors & statements suggesting lack of concrete knowledge of long-term safety & effects on desistance
Cohen‐Kettenis, P. T., Delemarre‐van de Waal, H. A., & Gooren, L. J. (2008). The Treatment of Adolescent Transsexuals: Changing Insights. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 5(8), 1892-1897. doi:10.1111/j.1743-6109.2008.00870.x
De Vries, A. L., McGuire, J. K., Steensma, T. D., Wagenaar, E. C., Doreleijers, T. A., & Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. (2014). Young Adult Psychological Outcome After Puberty Suppression and Gender Reassignment. Pediatrics, 134(4), 696-704. doi:10.1542/peds.2013-2958
Dreger, A. (2017, February 6). Lupron: Déjà Vu All Over Again. Retrieved from
Drummond, K. D., Bradley, S. J., Peterson-Badali, M., & Zucker, K. J. (2008). A follow-up study of girls with gender identity disorder. Developmental Psychology, 44(1), 34-45. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.44.1.34
Ehrensaft, D., Giammattei, S. V., Storck, K., Tishelman, A. C., & Keo-Meier, C. (2018). Prepubertal social gender transitions: What we know; what we can learn—A view from a gender affirmative lens. International Journal of Transgenderism, 19(2), 251-268. doi:10.1080/15532739.2017.1414649
Encyclopedia of Early Childhood Development. (n.d.). Social cognition. Retrieved from
Green, R. (2017). To Transition or Not to Transition? That Is the Question. Current Sexual Health Reports, 9(2), 163. Retrieved from DOI: 10.1007/s11930-017-0106-5
Hutz, P., Mayer, L., & McHugh, P. (2017). Growing Pains: Problems with Puberty Suppression in Treating Gender Dysphoria. The New Atlantis, 52, 3-36. Retrieved from
Korte, A. (2009). Gender Identity Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence – Currently Debated Concepts and Treatment Strategies: In reply. Deutsches Aerzteblatt Online. doi:10.3238/arztebl.2009.0318b
Lament, C. (2014). Conundrums and Controversies—An Introduction to the Section. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 68(1), 13-27. doi:10.1080/00797308.2015.11785503
Murchison, G. (2016). Supporting and caring for transgender children. Retrieved from Human Rights Campaign Foundation website:
Olson, K. R., Durwood, L., DeMeules, M., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2016). Mental Health of Transgender Children Who Are Supported in Their Identities. Pediatrics, 137(3), e20153223. doi:10.1542/peds.2015-3223
Poasha, K. H., Blanchard, R., & Zucker, K. J. (2004). Birth Order in Transgendered Males from Polynesia: A Quantitative Study of SamoanFa'afāfine. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 30(1), 13-23. doi:10.1080/00926230490247110
Shumer, D. E., & Spack, N. P. (2013). Current management of gender identity disorder in childhood and adolescence. Current Opinion in Endocrinology & Diabetes and Obesity, 20(1), 69-73. doi:10.1097/med.0b013e32835c711e
Singal, J. (2018, March 28). A Lot of People, Myself Included, Have Been Misreading the Single Biggest Published Study on? Retrieved from
Sorbel, A. (2018, August 21). Iran Offers Acceptance for Transgender People but Death to Gays. Advocate. Retrieved from
Steensma, T. D., Biemond, R., De Boer, F., & Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. (2011). Desisting and persisting gender dysphoria after childhood: A qualitative follow-up study. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 16(4), 499-516. doi:10.1177/1359104510378303
Steensma, T. D., McGuire, J. K., Kreukels, B. P., Beekman, A. J., & Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. (2013). Factors Associated With Desistence and Persistence of Childhood Gender Dysphoria: A Quantitative Follow-Up Study. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 52(6), 582-590. doi:10.1016/j.jaac.2013.03.016
Temple Newhook, J., Pyne, J., Winters, K., Feder, S., Holmes, C., Tosh, J., … Pickett, S. (2018). A critical commentary on follow-up studies and “desistance” theories about transgender and gender-nonconforming children. International Journal of Transgenderism, 19(2), 212-224. doi:10.1080/15532739.2018.1456390
Vrouenraets, L. J., Fredriks, A. M., Hannema, S. E., Cohen-Kettenis, P. T., & De Vries, M. C. (2015). Early Medical Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Gender Dysphoria: An Empirical Ethical Study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 57(4), 367-373. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2015.04.004
Zucker, K. J. (2018). The myth of persistence: Response to “A critical commentary on follow-up studies and ‘desistance’ theories about transgender and gender non-conforming children” by Temple Newhook et al. (2018). International Journal of Transgenderism, 19(2), 231-245. doi:10.1080/15532739.2018.1468293
Topic 5: Mental health and medical professionals have moved from a mental health screening model to a gender dysphoria affirmative model
American Psychiatric Association. (n.d.). Updates to DSM-5 Criteria, Text, and ICD-10 Codes. Retrieved from
Blakemore, S., & Robbins, T. (2012). Decision-making in the adolescent brain. Nature Neuroscience, 15, 1184–1191. Retrieved from
Bradley, S. (2017, January 12). How trans activists are unethically influencing autistic children to change genders. National Post [Toronto]. Retrieved from
Byng, R., Bewley, S., Clifford, D., & McCartney, M. (2018). Response to: Trans health needs better inpatient services too. BMJ. Retrieved from
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Clinical Essentials for Increased Understanding of the Diverse Transgender Community. (2016, March 14). The 2016 Jon E. Nadherny/Calciano Memorial Youth Symposium [Video file]. Retrieved from
D'Angelo, R., & Gender Dysphoria Working Group. (2018, August 27). Response to Julia Serano's critique of Lisa Littman's paper: Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Study of Parental Reports. Retrieved from
Donym, S. (2018, August 6). Inauthentic Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk? Retrieved from
Doward, J. (2018, November 3). Too young to decide? Questions dividing real-life Butterfly families. The Guardian. Retrieved from
Doward, J. (2018, November 3). Gender identity clinic accused of fast-tracking young adults. The Guardian. Retrieved from
Dreger, A., & Impact Ethics. (2017, February 6). Lupron: Déjà Vu All Over Again. Retrieved from
Ehrensaft, D. (2018). Double Helix Rainbow Kids. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48(12), 4079-4081. doi:10.1007/s10803-018-3716-5
Endocrinologist William Malone, MD. - Benjamin Boyce [Video file]. (2019, July 12). Retrieved from
Forster, K. (2017, July 12). Labiaplasty: Vaginal surgery 'world's fastest-growing cosmetic procedure', say plastic surgeons. The Independant. Retrieved from
Gender Dysphoria 101 with Dr. Susan Bradley -Wrongspeak [Video file]. (2018, December 20). Retrieved from The Hormone Health Crises: with
Griffiths, S. (2018, January 21). Schools rushing ‘on whisper’ to label pupils as transgender. The Times [London]. Retrieved from
Hardy, R. (2017, October 14). How a psychotherapist who has backed transgender rights for years was plunged into a Kafkaesque nightmare after asking if young people changing sex might later regret it. Daily Mail. Retrieved from
Jarrett, C. (2018, July 31). Systematic review finds only “qualified support” for hormonal treatments for gender dysphoria in youth. BPS Research Digest. Retrieved from
Jellestad, L., Jäggi, T., Corbisiero, S., Schaefer, D. J., Jenewein, J., Schneeberger, A., … Garcia Nuñez, D. (2018). Quality of Life in Transitioned Trans Persons: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Cohort Study. BioMed Research International, 2018, 1-10. doi:10.1155/2018/8684625
Kaltiala-Heino, R., Bergman, H., Työläjärvi, M., & Frisen, L. (2018). Gender dysphoria in adolescence: current perspectives. Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics, Volume 9, 31-41. doi:10.2147/ahmt.s135432
Mom forces insurance company to cover double mastectomy for her 15-year-old, with support of WPATH & Dan Karasic, MD. (2016, February 25). Retrieved from
More Minnesota Teens Identifying As Transgender. (2018, February 25). CBS Minnesota. Retrieved from
Oremus, W., & Slate. (2013, February 13). Here Are All 56 "Custom" Gender Options on Facebook. Retrieved from
Patterson, T. (2017). Unconscious homophobia and the rise of the transgender movement. Psychodynamic Practice, 24(1), 56-59. doi:10.1080/14753634.2017.1400740
PRWeb. (2014, September 5). Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon, Gary Alter, MD, Performs Gender Reassignment Surgery on Youngest Transsexual Patient in the United States. Retrieved from
Reynolds, C. (2016, February 14). Closing of CAMH clinic fans controversy over gender-questioning children. The Star [Toronto]. Retrieved from
Rippon, G. (2017, November 30). Brain scans reveal why rewards and punishments don’t seem to work on teenagers. Scientific American. Retrieved from
Rodgers, P., Hass, A., & Herman, J. (2014). Suicide Attempts among Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Adults. Retrieved from Williams Institute website:
Rogan, M. (2018, September 17). Growing up trans. The Walrus. Retrieved from
Rowe, P. (2016, April 7). How a girl born at 2 pounds became a happy boy. San Diego Union Tribune . Retrieved from
Ruse, A. (2016, June 29). Mother can't stop doctor from mutilating autistic daughter who wants to be a transgender boy. Breitbart. Retrieved from
Singal, J. (2018, July/August). When children say they’re trans. The Atlantic. Retrieved from
Smith, B., & American Psychological Association. (2012, June). Inappropriate prescribing. Retrieved from
Soh, D. (2018, January 24). Don’t treat all cases of gender dysphoria the same way. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from
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Withers, R., & The Society for Analytic Psychotherapy. (2017, October 16). Gender dysphoria and transgendered states. Retrieved from
Topic 6: Examples of minors being medically transitioned without any meaningful psychological assessments
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Section 7: Conversion Therapy Laws
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Soh, D. (2018, January 24). Don’t treat all cases of gender dysphoria the same way. The Globe and Mail [Toronto]. Retrieved from
Steensma, T. D., McGuire, J. K., Kreukels, B. P., Beekman, A. J., & Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. (2013). Factors Associated With Desistence and Persistence of Childhood Gender Dysphoria: A Quantitative Follow-Up Study. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 52(6), 582-590. doi:10.1016/j.jaac.2013.03.016
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Whitehall, J. (2016, December 15). Gender dysphoria and surgical abuse. The Quadrant. Retrieved from
Zucker, K. J. (2018). The myth of persistence: Response to “A critical commentary on follow-up studies and ‘desistance’ theories about transgender and gender non-conforming children” by Temple Newhook et al. (2018). International Journal of Transgenderism, 19(2), 231-245. doi:10.1080/15532739.2018.1468293
Topic 8: Regret Rates and Long Term Mental Health
Abramovitch, S. (2016, September 13). "A Tear in the Ocean": The Final Days of Alexis Arquette. Retrieved from
Adams, N., Hitomi, M., & Moody, C. (2017). Varied Reports of Adult Transgender Suicidality: Synthesizing and Describing the Peer-Reviewed and Gray Literature. Transgender Health, 2(1), 60-75. doi:10.1089/trgh.2016.0036
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Littman, L. (2018). Parent reports of adolescents and young adults perceived to show signs of a rapid onset of gender dysphoria. PLOS ONE, 13(8), e0202330. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0202330
Marshall, E., Claes, L., Bouman, W. P., Witcomb, G. L., & Arcelus, J. (2015). Non-suicidal self-injury and suicidality in trans people: A systematic review of the literature. International Review of Psychiatry, 28(1), 58-69. doi:10.3109/09540261.2015.1073143
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Waterlow, L. (2016, November 11). Experts reveal how children as young as three struggle with gender identity - but warn pressure to 'fit in' could be behind increase in those wanting sex change. The Daily Mail Online. Retrieved from
Topic 9: New World Order: How will the environment gender activists created affect desistance rates & gender nonconforming young people in general?
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Gregory, A. (2015, April 7). NHS treating transgender kids aged just three as sex change doctors see soaring numbers of under 10s. The Mirror. Retrieved from
Holyfield, V. (2018, September 26). Colorado: Champion on forefront of non-binary birth certificates. Out Front Magazine. Retrieved from
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Spiegel, A. (2008, May 7). Q&A: Therapists on Gender Identity Issues in Kids. NPR. Retrieved from
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Topic 10: Nature versus nurture: What other factors besides “innate gender identity” contribute to trans identification in young people?
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American Sociological Association. (2016, August 23). Study examines families' journeys to accepting transgender children: Mothers play key advocacy role. ScienceDaily. Retrieved from
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Ayad, S. (2018, November 12). How I Work with Gender-questioning Teens. Retrieved from
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Bechard, M., VanderLaan, D. P., Wood, H., Wasserman, L., & Zucker, K. J. (2016). Psychosocial and Psychological Vulnerability in Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria: A “Proof of Principle” Study. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 43(7), 678-688. doi:10.1080/0092623x.2016.1232325
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Cantor, J. M. (2011). New MRI Studies Support the Blanchard Typology of Male-to-Female Transsexualism. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40(5), 863-864. doi:10.1007/s10508-011-9805-6
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Topic 11: Why are so many females coming out as trans/non-binary?
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Topic 12: Cultural ripple effects, psychological consequences, & rights conflicts
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Blair, K.L. (2019, June 16). Are Trans People Excluded from the World of Dating? Psychology Today. Retrieved from
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Campbell, J. (2018, August 5). Primary one children will be told ‘your gender is what you decide’. The Scotsman. Retrieved from
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Kate. (2018, June 6). Trans Non-binary and the Gendered Language of Weddings. Retrieved from
Lowerey, S. (2017, August 11). A Guide To Non-binary Pronouns And Why They Matter. Huffington Post. Retrieved from
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Rudy Foster, C. (2018, June 5). Planning my wedding as a non-binary bride. The Guardian. Retrieved from
Spack, N. (n.d.). How I help transgender teens become who they want to be [Video file]. Retrieved from
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Whitley, C. T., & Greene, D. N. (2017). Transgender Man Being Evaluated for a Kidney Transplant. Clinical Chemistry, 63(11), 1680-1683. doi:10.1373/clinchem.2016.268839
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Ziyad, H. (2016, March 1). Three Differences Between the Terms ‘Gay’ and ‘Queer’ and Why It Matters. Everyday Feminism. Retrieved from
Topic 13: Gender ideology is being prioritized in educational settings when scientific validity claims are questionable, & it is controversial, even within the LGBT community
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The Acknowledgement Chronicles. (2016, March 22). “It’s better to be a cute boy than an ugly butch lesbian.”. Retrieved from
Adams, N., Hitomi, M., & Moody, C. (2017). Varied Reports of Adult Transgender Suicidality: Synthesizing and Describing the Peer-Reviewed and Gray Literature. Transgender Health, 2(1), 60-75. doi:10.1089/trgh.2016.0036
Appelton, J. (2017, September 26). ‘Just call me “ze”.’ The trouble with gender-neutral identities. Retrieved from
Astroterf. (2018, July 19). The Cuckoo in the Nest. Retrieved from
Biggs, M. (2018, November 24). How Queer Theory Became University Policy. Conatus News. Retrieved from
Bourne, L. (2017, August 15). LGBT lawyers won’t help ‘non-binary’ man over ‘harmful’ transgender statements. Retrieved from
Corner, N. (2018, January 12). 'I am repulsed by my body': Transgender man who delayed hormone therapy so he could carry a child reveals his disgust at his growing bump. Daily Mail. Retrieved from
Crawford, T. (2018, September 29). Government, teachers support SOGI, as opposing rallies staged in Victoria. Vancouver Sun. Retrieved from
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DownUnder, L. (2018, May 14). I don’t like Safe Schools, so I’m a transgender traitor. Spectator Australia. Retrieved from
Dreger, A. (2015, June 15). Answers to Some Questions about Autogynephilia. Retrieved from
Felix Greene, C. (2018, June 21). The Atlantic’s Article Should Foster A Consensus That Transgenderism Is Adults-Only. The Federalist. Retrieved from
Fortier, L. (2013, June 27). So you want to be a trans* ally?. Retrieved from
Grant, E. (2017, July 1). Transtrenders [Video file]. Retrieved from
Haidt, J. (2017, December 17). The Age of Outrage. City Journal. Retrieved from
Harrison, K. (2018, July 3). A system of gender self-identification would put women at risk. The Economist. Retrieved from
Hayton, D. (2018, July 3). Gender identity needs to be based on objective evidence rather than feelings. The Economist. Retrieved from
Hayton, D. (2018, March 30). A Plea To Trans Activists: We Can Protect Trans Rights Without Denying Biology. Quillette. Retrieved from
Herzog, K. (2018, September 6). The Stranger. Retrieved from
Heying, H., & Weinstein, B. (2019, February 8). Gender Ideology vs Biology [Video file]. Retrieved from
Kiwi, G. (2018, October 7). Erasing the Gays and Conflicts of Interest. Retrieved from
London, H. (2018, July 29). Transgender identities: a series of invited essays. The Economist. Retrieved from
Marchiano, L. (2018, May 11). The project of a lifetime: A therapist's letter to a trans-identified teen. Retrieved from
McConkey, M. (2017, May 12). Why We Should Stop Using the Term ‘Gender’. Quillette. Retrieved from
Mission creep: Respected LGB family support org goes full-on trans. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Murray, T. (2017, August 6). Why are Religious Homophobes Embracing Transgender Rights? Conatus News. Retrieved from
Reynolds, D. (2018, December 29). The Uncharted Territories of Medically Transitioning Children. Quillette. Retrieved from
Rose of Dawn. (2018, April 14). Transsexuals v Gender Radicals - What's The Difference?[Video file]. Retrieved from
SocialJusticeWizard. (2017, April 22). An Open Letter to Those Vilifying the New York Times 'Tomboy? Piece. Retrieved from
Soh, D. (2018, July 16). Ontario’s sex-ed backlash isn’t about children’s safety. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from
Stock, K. (2018, July 6). Changing the concept of “woman” will cause unintended harms. The Economist. Retrieved from
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Williams, E. (2018, October 10). There's a sudden surge of trans students coming out at my college … and I’m scared to talk about it. Retrieved from
Wilson, L. (2018, May 3). Why Using They/Them to Avoid Misgendering People Could Do More Harm Than Good. Slate. Retrieved from
Yardley, M. (n.d.). Blog of Miranda Yardley. Retrieved from
Topic 14: Problems with a politicized climate of censorship/harassment
Amitay, O. (2018, January 27). Academic Cleansing: Fight for Truth & Free Speech vs Political Correctness and Trans Ideology with James Caspian [Video file]. Retrieved from
Angel, B. (2017, July 5). What does it mean to De-Transition [Video file]. Retrieved from
The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health. (2018). Focusing on adolescent mental health [Video file]. Retrieved from
Bailey, M., & Science 2.0. (2007, September 4). Transsexual Smokescreen: Ignoring Science In 'The Man Who Would Be Queen?. Retrieved from
Barasch, A. (2018, June 20). Sacred Bodies. Slate. Retrieved from
Bartosch, J. (2017, September 14). What about the children who said they were transgender and then changed their minds? Independent [London]. Retrieved from
Brunskill-Evans, M. (2018, June 21). A Woman’s Place is Standing Her Ground. Retrieved from
Canadian Press. (2018, October 7). CAMH reaches settlement with former head of gender identity clinic. CBC. Retrieved from
Cyphers, J. (2018, June 25). A careful step into a field of landmines. Retrieved from
Distiller, N. (2017, March 6). From the Front Lines: Fighting Back at WPATH. Retrieved from
Dreger, A. (2006, May 13). The Blog I Write in Fear. Retrieved from
Dreher, R. (2018, June 28). If Lenin Had Been Trans. The American Conservative. Retrieved from
Eady, T. (2014, November 24). “Everything is problematic” My journey into the centre of a dark political world, and how I escaped. McGill Daily. Retrieved from
Felix Greene, C. (2018, June 21). The Atlantic’s Article Should Foster A Consensus That Transgenderism Is Adults-Only. The Federalist. Retrieved from
Gilligan, A. (2017, October 8). Mermaids UK charity ban as boy forced to live as girl. The Sunday Times. Retrieved from
Gilligan, A. (2018, March 1). Tough Millwall cave in to transgender ‘bullies’. The Sunday Times[London]. Retrieved from
Greene, R. (2017). To Transition or Not to Transition? That Is the Question. Current Sexual Health Reports, 9(2). Retrieved from
Hardy, R. (2017, October 14). How a psychotherapist who has backed transgender rights for years was plunged into a Kafkaesque nightmare after asking if young people changing sex might later regret it. Daily Mail. Retrieved from
Heritage Foundation. (2019, April 4). What Doctors Aren't Telling The Parents of Gender Dysphoric Children [Video file]. Retrieved from
Herzog, K. (2017, June 28). The Detransitioners: They Were Transgender, Until They Weren't. The Stranger. Retrieved from
Kerri, A. (2018, June 26). Why the Trans Community Hates The Atlantic's Cover Story. The Advocate. Retrieved from
Kirkup, J. (2018, February 8). Can we have an honest debate about gender? The Spectator. Retrieved from
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Murphy, M. (2018, May 1). Trans activism is excusing & advocating violence against women, and it’s time to speak up. Feminist Current. Retrieved from
Murphy, M. (2018, June 19). Why must trans activists smear those who put forth inconvenient narratives about ‘gender identity’? Feminist Current. Retrieved from
Selin Davis, L. (2017, April 18). My daughter is not transgender. She's a Tomboy. The New York Times. Retrieved from
Singal, J. (2017, February 7). How the Fight Over Transgender Kids Got a Leading Sex Researcher Fired. The Cut. Retrieved from
Singal, J. (2018, July). When children say they're trans. The Atlantic. Retrieved from
Singal, J. (2018, March 28). A Lot of People, Myself Included, Have Been Misreading the Single Biggest Published Study on? Retrieved from
Soh, D. (2016, January 4). The Transgender Battle Line: Childhood. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from
Stark, J. (2009, May 31). 'I will never be able to have sex again. Ever'. The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved from
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Turner, J. (2017, November 11). Children sacrificed to appease trans lobby. The Times[London]. Retrieved from
Weale, S. (2017, September 25). This article is more than 1 year old University 'turned down politically incorrect transgender research'. The Guardian. Retrieved from
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White, B. (2017, March 21). My Issues With LGBT [Video file]. Retrieved from
Yardley, M. (2017, August 2). A History of Autogynephilia. Retrieved from
Young, C. (2018, May 20). Who's Afraid Of The 'Intellectual Dark Web?? Retrieved from
Zucker, K. J., Lawrence, A. A., & Kreukels, B. P. (2016). Gender Dysphoria in Adults. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 12(1), 217-247. doi:10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-021815-093034
Topic 15: “Transition your child without question or they will kill themselves”: Suicide risk issue reviewed
Adams, N., Hitomi, M., & Moody, C. (2017). Varied Reports of Adult Transgender Suicidality: Synthesizing and Describing the Peer-Reviewed and Gray Literature. Transgender Health, 2(1), 60-75. doi:10.1089/trgh.2016.0036
Aitken, M., VanderLaan, D. P., Wasserman, L., Stojanovski, S., & Zucker, K. J. (2016). Self-Harm and Suicidality in Children Referred for Gender Dysphoria. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 55(6), 513-520. doi:10.1016/j.jaac.2016.04.001
Asscheman, H., Giltay, E. J., Megens, J. A., De Ronde, W. (., Van Trotsenburg, M. A., & Gooren, L. J. (2011). A long-term follow-up study of mortality in transsexuals receiving treatment with cross-sex hormones. European Journal of Endocrinology, 164(4), 635-642. Retrieved from
Bailey, L., J. Ellis, S., & McNeil, J. (2014). Suicide risk in the UK trans population and the role of gender transition in decreasing suicidal ideation and suicide attempt. Mental Health Review Journal, 19(4), 209-220. doi:10.1108/mhrj-05-2014-0015
Bailey, L., McNeil, J., Ellis, S., Morton, J., & Regan, M. (2012). Trans Mental Health Study 2012. Retrieved from Scottish Transgender Alliance website:
Bauer, G. R., Scheim, A. I., Pyne, J., Travers, R., & Hammond, R. (2015). Intervenable factors associated with suicide risk in transgender persons: a respondent driven sampling study in Ontario, Canada. BMC Public Health, 15(1). doi:10.1186/s12889-015-1867-2
Becker, L., Gjergji-Lama, V., Romer, G., & Möller, B. (2014). Characteristics of children and adolescents with gender dysphoria referred to the Hamburg Gender Identity Clinic. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr, 64(6), 486-509. Retrieved from
Bolzern, J., Mnyama, N., & McMillan, D. (2018). OP49 Responsible journalism, imitative suicide and transgender populations: a systematic review of UK newspapers. Oral presentations. Retrieved from
Cornell Public Policy Research Center. (2018, March 26). What does the scholarly research say about the effect of gender transition on transgender well-being? Retrieved from
De Cuypere, G., Elaut, E., Heylens, G., Van Maele, G., Selvaggi, G., T’Sjoen, G., … Monstrey, S. (2006). Long-term follow-up: psychosocial outcome of Belgian transsexuals after sex reassignment surgery. Sexologies, 15(2), 126-133. doi:10.1016/j.sexol.2006.04.002
Dhejne, C., Lichtenstein, P., Boman, M., Johansson, A. L., Långström, N., & Landén, M. (2011). Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden. PLoS ONE, 6(2), e16885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016885
Haas, A. P., Eliason, M., Mays, V. M., Mathy, R. M., Cochran, S. D., D'Augelli, A. R., … Clayton, P. J. (2010). Suicide and Suicide Risk in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Populations: Review and Recommendations. Journal of Homosexuality, 58(1), 10-51. doi:10.1080/00918369.2011.534038
Haas, A. P., Rodgers, P. L., & Herman, J. (2014). Suicide Attempts among Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Adults. Retrieved from Williams Institute website:
Heylens, G., Verroken, C., De Cock, S., T'Sjoen, G., & De Cuypere, G. (2014). Effects of Different Steps in Gender Reassignment Therapy on Psychopathology: A Prospective Study of Persons with a Gender Identity Disorder. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 11(1), 119-126. doi:10.1111/jsm.12363
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Littman, L. (2018). Parent reports of adolescents and young adults perceived to show signs of a rapid onset of gender dysphoria. PLOS ONE, 13(8), e0202330. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0202330
Jensen, S., Chin, J., Rollins, J, Koller, E., Gousis, L., Szarama, K. (2016, August 30). Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Proposed Decision Memo for Gender Dysphoria and Gender Reassignment Surgery (CAG-0044N). Retrieved from
Marshall, E., Claes, L., Bouman, W. P., Witcomb, G. L., & Arcelus, J. (2015). Non-suicidal self-injury and suicidality in trans people: A systematic review of the literature. International Review of Psychiatry, 28(1), 58-69. doi:10.3109/09540261.2015.1073143
Olson, K. R., Durwood, L., DeMeules, M., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2016). Mental Health of Transgender Children Who Are Supported in Their Identities. Pediatrics, 137(3), e20153223. doi:10.1542/peds.2015-3223
Russel, S.T., Pollitt A.M., Li, G., Gross, A.H. (2018). Chosen Name Use Is Linked to Reduced Depressive Symptoms, Suicidal Ideation, and Suicidal Behavior Among Transgender Youth. Journal of Adolescent Health, 63(4), 503-505. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2018.02.0032018
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Topic 16: Trans rights, affirmative model advocates, acceptability of false positives
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